about us
Concerned with the high rate of youth who are reaching adulthood and the workforce without the proper skills to succeed in life, the Youth Essential Skills (YES) non-profit organization was formed with the hope to improve the opportunities for the underserved. The vision, mission and programs are as follows:
Youth are successful in life and are socially responsible in the community and competitive in the workplace.

Provide underserved youth, ages 8-22, with essential skills through mentoring, networking and training that increase opportunities for social responsibility in the community and in the workplace

Programs, Funding and Youth
  • Programs are be delivered via workshops using skilled professionals, subject matter experts and/or college students.
  • Partnerships exist with community and faith-based organizations.
  • YES seeks youth from the community and through partnering with existing organizations serving youth.
  • Although programs are initially within the Inland Empire, YES has the desire to service all youth throughout California

Seeking Change

Youth Strategies for Success = Successful Adults

Key Ways We Deliver Offerings

Strategies for reaching our Youth:
  • Workshops with Food, Fun and Free
  • Social Media with What, When, Where
  • Mentoring with Caring, Sharing
  • Networking with Friends

We Invite Others to Join Us

Seeking contributions for sharing knowledge, skills, and abilities with our Youth:
  • Business Professionals, Educators
  • Community Leaders
  • Parents, Grandparents, Guardians
  • Volunteers


You may give to Y.E.S. through PayPal, Zelle (info@youthessentialskills.com) or
by mail (P O Box 8335 Redlands, CA 92375)
Youth Essential Skills
P O Box 8335 Redlands, CA 92375
(951) 316-8142

Website Designed by E n J Graphics